Here are his works that I have been given for publication.

Sleep well my lover
I know you're tired
Sleep this game you play
This Death thing

And when you've had your fill
Wake to me
Throw off this childish
Open your silent eyes
Wake to me
Walk with me
Once again under a cyan sky
Untroubled by clouds

"Impressionist Moment"

A beautiful
Amber-autumn afternoon
Flows through the curtains
Curls around the sofa
the table
Enfolding me
Flaxen and beautiful
Illusions creep along the wall

Glistening motes
ghost angels
Feather fingers touching everything
soft as shadows

I move quietly
From room to room
From one moment to the next
Each second another bead
on the string of Time

"An Empty Shirt in the Moonlight"

A lurid moon
a languish of stars
A milky night sky
Occasionally troubled by clouds

An empty shirt on the clothes line
Somehow transmuted
Ghostly pale
Dancing with the wind
In the moonlight
Left . . .
Then Right . . .
Pausing only for an instant
at the apex


Madness is cavern carved in stone
Not by water
But blood

Madness is a terrible scream
Echoing . . . ECHOING . . . ECHOING!!!
Feeding on itself
Raging back and forth
Across the room

Madness is stroboscopic lightning
The ink black shadow filling the window
The silvered metal claw
Screeching on the glass

"All the Myriad Rivers Under your Skin"

Suck me into your emerald eyes
Pull me all the way down
Your optic nerves

Slithering around
In the back of your mind
I crave your pheromone inveigle
Ache for the acrid
smell of your wet fur

You snap bolt upright
your eyes abruptly wide
As I slide down your spine
In quest of your adrenals

You shiver as I
Golden liquid fire
Course all the myriad rivers
Under your skin

Contents of this page were written by William C. Burns, Jr. E-mail him at

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-Alicia Mae 3/27/98